“Hello world!”

Hello world says it all! I am starting this blog to encourage others over the age of 50 to chase there horsey dreams and share my adventure! I am a 51 year old woman who quit riding 10 years ago because; “Life Happens!” I always meant to get back in the saddle but years kept passing by. Now I find myself over 50, out of shape, and 20lbs over weight. With a 10yr old unbroken horse ,”Moon”.

My goal: Improve my riding, horse knowledge, and build clear communication with my horse. To see just how far we can go in the Dressage World; HAVING FUN!

What dressage means to me: Dressage is the purest and truest form of communication between horse and rider.

I have moved Moon out of my pasture and into a very nice stables to begin his and my formal education. We will be working on our own for the foreseeable future. We are in a rural location and finding a dressage coach my pose a challenge. Truly we aren’t ready for a coach right now anyways. First I need to establish the basics, “You know don’t throw me in the dirt please!”

I plan to post regularly and maybe even video our journey . I’m new to blogging and website design so please be patient as I learn! As soon as I figure it out how I will post a newsletter link to subscribe so you don’t miss the fun!

Hope you follow along!

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